Friday, September 9, 2011
I love words. They are exquisite, trixy creatures, full of mischief and sympathy. Were I anything other than me, I would certainly long to be, a string of characters, forming elegant, simple prose.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
The spores! The spores! Close that window or you'll let in the spores!
The air is stale tonight, as though someone has left the windows to the Earth's atmosphere closed up for too long.
My evening's plan to drink some beer and curl up on the couch stopped at one Octoberfest in favor of water, although I wish I had orange juice instead.
I reek of anxiousness. It comes out in my tissues as I blow my nose. When I stand outside, facing the wind, onlookers surely see my eagerness to be swept far away. For all the contentment yesterday brought me, today I am filled with urgency to claim unrealized dreams.
None of this goes beyond subtle discomfort, mind you. The lesson to be learned this year is patience, and my life will not let me get around it. I will feel longing, it seems, and have to learn to work towards tomorrow (or someday) one day at a time.
It is probably fair to say that it is actually act of working towards my goals that makes me even more anxious to see them come to fruition...a good sign, I suppose. I have long neglected my posts here on the blog because let's be honest, there's only so much a person can delve into personal things, and my novel has turned into a memoir/commentary on socioeconomic economic conditions relevant to me and many of my peers. I am cheating on my blog with my book, and it feels quite nice, actually. My apologies - I will make a commitment to popping on with updates a tad more often.
Just as that is said, I am feeling myself inspired to spend some quality time with my mistress, so I must bid you adieu.
Breathe lightly, and for god's sake, someone open a window!