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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What was that other thing I was gonna say? I swear it was relevant...

I will be in bed by 2am.

In the strange way that things happen, after what should not have been an emotionally taxing evening turned into just that, I found an apartment that I am going to allow myself to dream about living in.

The funny part about that statement, is that I am not even remotely (on a conscious level) actively looking to move.

I have moved many times in the past few years, I'm rather tired of hauling my junk about, and coincidentally, I have a rather nice home right now.  Along those same lines, one of my current goals is to save up a rather large sum of money this year in order to invest in building a "small house" on wheels so that I can avoid this whole rent scenario altogether and EVENTUALLY travel about the country in my own property.  But, as fate would have it, I stumbled upon a rental property, in *gasp* an apartment complex, no less, that managed to pull at my heart strings.  I was exploring the area where my new job will be via the streets of the internet (YES!  I landed a new ART job!  2D Artist, baby!) when it occurred to me that I could...move closer?  And there it was.  Staring at me.  Perfect leasing terms, good price, good rating, beautiful amenities (including a GREAT gym), and a balcony looking out on a lake.

Sounds too good to be true?

Well, it probably the respect that its apartment style living.  I now have a yard and two stories and a basement...goodbye to all of that (theoretically).  And it would involve moving, which, I must reiterate, I am not thrilled at the thought of.

But, for some reason, my heart is happy simply to imagine the possibility.
So that is what I will do.
It'll be like a bath...for my mental state. 


And that's a wrap!

P.s. The snow tomorrow had better be the bomb-diggety and beautiful beyond belief, or I'm have words with SOMEONE important.


  1. Thanks, Adam! :) I'm really excited!

    (and yes, its past 2am...sigh)

    But I am headed to bed now.

    AND, the relevant thing that I forgot, that isn't actually that relevant is that I <3 the song Sprawl II by Arcade Fire.
