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Monday, June 27, 2011

Dear World,

Dear World,

Often times, I look back on my life and wonder why I didn't have the sense to do what would have been JUST RIGHT.

I can see it now, just the perfect song to sing for home show back in high school. They would have loved it, and maybe that way my life would have taken a different route.

College...perhaps I should have danced and stuck to a writing degree. I would have loved it, and maybe that way my life would have taken a different route.

Years of indecision, rash decisions, and trying jobs that didn't fit quite right. If I had taken more time to deliberate, perhaps THEN my life would have taken a different route.

But my path has been this, and when I look around, I see that the most prevalent blessing, the clearest positive outcome has been the people I know and care for. The people I've met, the people I've loved, the sisters I've gained, and the dear friends I've known.

So world, if this is my journey, to meet people and love them and have them love me right back, can I ask just one thing of you along the way?

Can I maybe do that while painting and photographing my way to prosperity and fulfillment? Cause I have to admit, that would be pretty grand.

[I know, I know, that means I have to paint and photograph even more. And that's ok, because I'm working on it. And enjoying it too! ;) Sometimes I just wish there were a LITTLE more instant gratification now and then. But that's human, right?]

Anyway, thanks for the trip. I've enjoyed it so far, and I look forward to what else is in store. Especially the bit about the traveling and backpacking all over to get the great shot and the great story. Should be pretty fantastic!

Yours always (respectfully AND incorrigibly),

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