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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Marketing, the Great Adventure!

Today, my topic of discussion and thought has been marketing.  Yes, marketing; the constant battle between promoting one's business/endeavor in an interesting and engaging manner and NOT annoying the crap out of those people who are already interested and engaged in the success or failure of one's business/endeavor.  On its own, marketing is tricky, and in today's digital and viral age, it  can be a downright difficult tightrope to walk.  For although balance is obviously the key, balance can be a pretty complicated thing to judge, especially when one is using something as fickle as a Facebook page as a guideline. 

But I digress, because as much as I have concerns about the consistent stream of  marketing related posts that flow over my small section of the Facebook community, I am certainly not the only entrepreneur to attempt to flood the social media network with hints of my existence, nor, I would like to think, am I the most obnoxious.  So, what I'm really thinking about today, is not the quantity of my marketing posts, but their content. 

Today marks the end of Blueverve Studio's first Monthly Gift Certificate Giveaway promotion.  Though it was fairly small, with only 5 entries, I think it was successful, and definitely a step in the right direction.  The giveaway itself featured a Gift Certificate redeemable exclusively at Blueverve Studio ( in the amount of $25.  The winner already knew what he was interested in purchasing, so I'm guessing he'll be a happy camper, and it has been a good way to involve followers of the Facebook page (Blueverve Studio on Facebook) and hopefully draw new fans to the page and to Blueverve Studio.  I've also had an opportunity too come up with plans for the next Gift Certificate Giveaway, which will feature a bit more incentive for people to enter and to promote Blueverve Studio to their friends on Facebook.  The biggest part of all of this seems to be searching out the best ways to make social media work for me, instead of making me bear the burden of over-posting in an attempt to promote the studio.

Another cool happening on the marketing front today is that I now have a tab on the Blueverve Studio Facebook page to let people ad their email to my mailing list.  Not rocket science, but still fun.  :)  If you're interested, check it out here.

The battle continues, and I'm happy to be a part of it.  Next is adding more and better items to the studio for sale.  I'd like to create some custom calendars (better than the existing ones up there), and soon post my wood and oil paintings.  Right now I am debating the merits of posting these large panels with or without a frame.  I would like to include a frame for the sake of having a 100% complete painting, ready to hang once it arrives after purchase, but I am also wary of this, as it will up the final price both in terms of labor and shipping, and it will limit how well the final piece might match a buyers personal decor.  I'd love feedback if anyone has any thoughts in this area!

As always, thanks for listening!

Monday, January 10, 2011


This is one of those somewhat insignificant posts in the GRAND scheme of blogging, but you know what?  Its gotta stand.

Tavi is quite the chef! He made us very tasty stir fry tonight and I am grateful, because its the best meal I've had all week.

So, Tavi, thank you!  :)

That is all...goodnight!

The big T


In most stories, trust is traditionally referred to as the cornerstone of any truly viable, loving relationship.  The only place where futures lie (no puns here right now, sorry) is a place decorated with mutual understanding and heartfelt trust. 

But trust...that magical word, with so much weight...what does it REALLY mean anyway?


Offten ephemeral.  Rarely given.  Usually taken.


Thursday, January 6, 2011


This, regrettably, is going to be rushed.  I have had a long night, my knees and shins are aching, and my boyfriend, bless his heart, is crawling, exhausted, into bed.  I, for once, would like to join him and hold him tight before our eyes close.

I wanted to post this tonight, though, despite being beat, and a little bit uncertain as to exactly what will come out, because today has been one of those rare days in which life grants you vision.  Not clarity, per-say, nor a view of what should be or could be, but simply, eyes open enough to see more than one angle.  You see, we all have roles in our lives, many that we are conscious of, and a few now and then, that evade us.  Not because we are stupid, or slow, or because anyone is really better at looking than we are, but simply because there are too may angles for any one person to see consistently (unless he or she is perhaps in a constant state of meditation and detached reflection, but even then, I'm sure the cosmos would be glad to sneak something in, unseen).  The bottom line is, we rarely take the time and cultivate the peace of mind to stop long enough to consider that the people we encounter day to day are juggling far more than we grant them credit for at face value.  

Our friends, our co-workers, and the people we hold dear; we are so quick to dismiss their free-time as we plan ours, and as a result, forget to look for the things that genuinely matter in between their lines.  The boss, who may seem distant at work, preoccupied, goes home to juggle wife and kids, and would probably not know what to do beyond cry for joy at the opportunity to have 45 minutes alone.  The dear friend, who presses on through adversity and financial difficulty and loses touch with dreams because money doesn't allow time to cultivate progress, to cultivate new employment, to cultivate dreams, to cultivate more money.  Lovers, who love, but can't touch, because life gets (so often) in the way.  Co-workers who work full days, and come home in the evening, not to rest and take care of themselves, but to work again, tirelessly, at another job, another life (for their own personal pursuits, or even just to make ends meet), all without much mention to anyone else during the day.  We take these things for granted in everyone else...and no wonder!  Look at how busy we are juggling ourselves!

So tonight, or tomorrow, for those of you who have already gone to bed, and are lying in wait for another busy day, please take just a moment to think of the people in your life and the roles they might play.  Don't just envision the masks that they wear for the stage you share with them, but consider the credits of the other Playbills their names grace, and perhaps you will find new insight into their actions and just which roles, for them, might hold the most weight.  I know I did.
