But she is far now, from the sun. And although we are but one planet, and she is but one moon of many orbiting our star, it is easy to imagine her as the perfect counterpart to that brilliant orb which daily graces our skies. And if she is his yin, and he her yang, then strange, how beautifully she shines so far from his presence, and conversely, how shadow cloaked she be when he is near. Lovers with a push and pull so great they must dance, forever, in a delicate waltz, dictating with their yearning the flow of our seas and the kisses which the oceans gift to the shore. Balance in love - how cosmic a quest!
I captured a small bit of sunlight this evening. In fact, I captured a few quick things, in an effort to shoot today - and every day. This shot is my favorite. Simple, but sometimes that's just right.

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