Kitten labor services, please be informed that although I will certainly be exploiting these little sweethearts and their adorable faces in MANY photographs, they will never be harmed or disturbed in the process. This gig is rewarded with much love and good food/company.
To everyone else, please meet the most lovely and handsome, Cali and Hobbes.

Kittens, of course, come with a whole batch of hurdles to tackle. Luckily, Cali and Hobbes, are both taking very well to their litter boxes, and have made a great transition from being essentially feral kittens (living under my dad's deck) to being happy, well adjusted indoor felines. They still tend to shy away a bit when approached to quickly, but Cali loves massages, and Hobbes has been known already to sprawl out and enjoy a good belly-rub. I'm guessing that within the week we'll be on pretty familiar terms.
Tavi, is a big fan of our new friends. Sadly, they come at a time when one of his childhood cats (at home with his mum) may be on the verge of passing away. She is quite old, and has lived a full life...and although its really going to be difficult when she goes, I'm sure it will be peaceful. She is in good hands.
This weekend has been a whirlwind of adjustment...even including a run-in with many ticks. I'm glad to say we've all made it through. Tavi especially had a wild ride - or run, rather, as he participated in the Tough Mudder competition in WI this weekend. He did great...lots of cramps and some beaten up knees, but that's life in a nutshell, right? If you're not sure what Tough Mudder is, definitely check it out here. It is a very impressive course, designed to push participants to their limits. If you're interested, I'm fairly certain there are still plenty of events still open for registration.
That's all for me tonight. I'm beat, and still recovering from a bit of a summer cold.
Stupid summer cold.
Anyone catch THAT reference?
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