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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Musical Finds

This Christmas, I had a wonderful time with family and friends, and blessed as I am to come from a split family, the fun continues for me today as my mom and I celebrate our belated Christmas day.  But this post is really only about the holidays in a round about way.

You see, this year, my Christmas wish list included an Ipod touch, and as its a fairly expensive gift, it was one that I didn't entirely expect to receive. Needless to say, I was oh, so surprised and grateful when it arrived under the tree in a roofing equipment box [thanks much, Dad! :)]. 

Since then, Itunes has been a close comrade, primarily due to Ping, which, if you're not aware, allows people to share musical preferences, much like Facebook status updates or Tweets.  Generally speaking, I think Itunes is an interesting platform, and a unique way about music sales in the digital age.  But in terms of Ping, I'm actually quite pleasantly surprised, as already I've stumbled upon bands I may not have otherwise, via the suggestions of others.

I have been out of my musical loop for the past year or so.  Its funny, lyricism has always been close to my heart, and as both an amateur singer and songwriter, I have made it my mission from time to time to "binge song search," so to speak.  Not having cable and being rather removed from the mainstream (as somewhat of a personal experiment) in the past year, I've missed a few opportunities to do this, but now I'm back in...wholeheartedly.

All of that in mind, if everyone has already heard and loved my latest find, then "Here here!" to all of you, and my apologies for being last on the bandwagon.  If not, I would urge you to check out Mason Jennings' album, The Flood.  Most spectacularly, it includes a song titled Between the Lines, which I am happy to say has swept me rather off of my feet.  Its been quite some time since I've stumbled on an honest, unassuming love song, and let me tell you, this one has a big, kind heart, with a sweet-home sound.  Somewhat reminiscent of older Ben Kweller, but with a bit more depth, its bound to go down in my personal hall of simple love song fame.  Kudos, Mason Jennings.

1 comment:

  1. Haha I love that "binge song search." You should definitely trademark that phrase. Get a quarter anytime someone says it. lol

    When I discovered Pandora radio about, oh, 3 or 4 years ago I felt that same way. It was interesting to find what other stuff sounded like the music I love. We're a world made up of serious branching. It's amazing to see what is linked to what because of certain similarities. Anyway, this was back when Pandora had ads that didn't make any noise. They just colored up the page you were listening to. *SIGH* those were the days...

    Anyway, interesting blog. LOVE the photo at the top. Is that your handiwork? You creative type, you!!
