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Thursday, April 29, 2010

High Winds and High Stress

Ah, transplanting. The last 36 hours or so have been a bit of a roller coaster for the plants and I. The beans transplanted successfully, with the exception of three, which are being kept in safe keeping for mi madre. I tried to transplant the chives, which was apparently a terribly bad plan, as their little roots were not up to the transition. So I had to replant the chives...this time we're trying to for outdoors all the way. I'm fairly confident that they'll make it, as now it is a bit warmer at nights. I trimmed back the romaine and most of the sprouts are doing well, but a few are showing signs of fatigue. Ok, that's putting it lightly. They are laying down and straight out napping. So I'm crossing my fingers for them and giving them just a little extra warmth and light tonight. Their counterparts, the basil and broccoli are doing splendidly, which is a relief.
I feel very much like I should be worried about some plant abuse authorities coming to pick me up, as today, which was the beans first full day outdoors, was WINDY. Yes, winds in excess of 40 to 50 miles an hour at times beat up my poor little newly planted beans. And they are worse for the wear. Some damaged leaves and a few bent stalks. It was pretty bad to come home to. So, their trellis set up has been abandoned for something less invasive. We'll see how they do.

Sigh. I hope my babies pull through.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, you worry about your plant babies like you used to worry about your baby bunnies that you would find outside the house in Kiel each Spring. You would rescue them so that they would not become Angel's lunch. You are a gentle spirit who loves all living creatures, so I am not surprised to hear of your woe over the wind blown and battered beans. I will see them standing tall and growing strong- keep the faith, as you always do, for all of humanity.
