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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New Moves on Old Ideas

I'm really excited. A few new possibilities have opened up, which have jump started plans for an idea I had after a road trip to Colorado with Tavi last year. I have to be rather vague for the time being, but rest assured I'll be more than happy to share once the timing is right. For now, I'm in the planning stages, and very much glad to have some possible direction for the future. This is something I'm really hoping will come to fruition, and though it will be a goal with much work involved, I'm sure it will be very rewarding if accomplished.

Anywho, its late at night and I'm trying to calm myself down. The boys are not yet home from their Monday night magic games, so I have the house to myself (which is lovely). I've been increasingly emotionally exhausted as of the past week or so, so its nice to have the space in which I don't have to compromise my personal emotional space due to the needs of others. Yup, that may come across as selfish, but when you live AND work in close quarters with 3 others, its incredibly difficult at times to find enough moments in a day in which you can simply live without feeling as though you're being bombarded by other people's vibes.

So I'm going to curl up with my book of Flower Remedies and decompress.

Bonus Nachos.

1 comment:

  1. COOL- can't wait to hear about your new possibilities. It's great to see plants and new ideas germinate, and they do seem to come to fruition in perfect timing once we sow the seeds with our positive intentions. And that alone time nurtures the soul and the sprouting of new ideas like water and sunshine nurture those seedlings; so glad you found that time and space to yourself.
    Bonus nachos to you too.
